Apply Now for a Voices for Healthy Kids Policy Campaign Grant 

kids on playground 640x426The Voices for Healthy Kids Policy Campaign Grant opportunity from the American Heart Association and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is now accepting Letters of Intent! This opportunity provides funding to organizations interested in leading policy and legislative campaigns that align with the issues related to Voices' policy agenda.

The goal of these grants is "to make effective strategic investments in ongoing state, local, and tribal public policy issue campaigns in order to increase public policy impact on healthy weight and living among children." Voices for Healthy Kids is focusing on efforts in schools, community, and out-of-school time/early care and education.

The grants have a two-step application process: First, prospective applicants must submit a Letter of Intent (due June 7, 2019). Next, select applicants will be invited to submit a full application (due July 26, 2019). Awards are up to $250,000 per year, 20 percent of which may be used for lobbying.

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