Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Roundup: Thanksgiving Edition

The latest in our regular roundups of healthy eating and physical activity news from HOST members and others--plus some tips for a healthy holiday!

kids running on track

Holiday Tips

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  • Voices for Healthy Kids shares how they worked with Eat Smart, Move More South Carolina (ESMMSC), the South Carolina affiliate of the American Heart Association (AHA), and others towards healthy vending policies in several cities around the state, including the passage of one of the country’s strongest vending and food service policies.
  • The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has announced the five communities selected as winners of the 2019 RWJF Culture of Health Prize for their shared commitment to health, opportunity, and equity.
  • The Food Research & Action Center has released a new report, "Afterschool Suppers: A Snapshot of Participation," showing that the Afterschool Supper Program served 1.3 million children on an average weekday in October 2018, an increase of 10.4 percent, or 126,393 children, from October 2017. At the same time, more can be done to feed children in need of meals after school, they say; only one child received an afterschool supper for every 16 low-income children who participated in the National School Lunch Program in October 2018. 
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