HOST Healthy Eating And Physical Activity Roundup, April 24, 2019

kids running on trackThe latest in our regular roundups of healthy eating and physical activity news from HOST members and others.

Resources and Tips

Ideas in Action

  • Action for Healthy Kids shares how W.B. Simpson Elementary School in Wyoming, Delaware, is encouraging kids' healthy habits with take-home "nutrition boxes" of books, toys, and information; weekly workout time; and a fitness club.
  • Salud America profiles Jorge Olvera, who is using a community garden collaborative to boost healthy food and physical activity in Magnolia Park, one of the oldest Latino neighborhoods in Houston’s East End. The neighborhood has been a food swamp, with easy fast food access, scarce access to healthy food, and few safe spaces to be physically active, but the garden is already having an impact.
  • Afterschool Alliance profiles Coaching Corps, which partners with afterschool and summer programs in low-income neighborhoods and trains volunteer coaches and afterschool staff to offer sports as a youth development tool.
  • The National League of Cities shares how member cities of the Cities Connecting Children to Nature (CCCN) initiative are implementing nature connection strategies with a focus on equity as a way of boosting children’s health and wellbeing.
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