HOST Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Roundup, April 6, 2017

kids on playscapeThe latest in our regular roundups of healthy eating and physical activity news from HOST members and others.


  • The Food Research and Action Center is hosting a Summer Meals Matter conference call on "Expanding Access in Rural and Tribal Areas," April 6, 2017, 1:00 p.m. ET. They say, "Summer meal expansion efforts in rural and tribal areas require creative thinking and cultural competency in order to fill the hunger gap for low-income children. Join us to learn how summer meal champions are coming together to support programming, transportation, and meal delivery in these areas." Register here.

Success Stories

  • Action for Healthy Kids says three California schools increased school breakfast participation by moving breakfast from the cafeteria to the main entry point and introducing Grab and Go breakfasts. And at a Georgia elementary school where 95 percent of students are eligible for free and reduced-price lunches, breakfast is served in the classroom, "without much mess or burden," increasing participation by 20 percent.
  • SaludToday spotlights four teachers who have "gone above and beyond" in improving healthy eating and physical activity for their students.
  • The National League of Cities, in partnership with the Food Research and Action Center, announced that 20 cities have been awarded grants through its Combating Hunger through Afterschool and Summer Meal Programs (CHAMPS) initiative to create or expand programs providing children with afterschool and summer meals.
  • No Kid Hungry worked with the National Governors Association at their Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C. to host a session on childhood hunger and its solutions. The panel was attended by more than 30 governors and their spouses from across the country, and looked at the impact of school breakfast, among other topics.

Tips and Ideas

  • The North Carolina Division of Public Health and the NC State Alliance of YMCAs have announced the launch of the North Carolina Healthy Out-of-School Time Recognition Program. Alliance for a Healthier Generation shares 10 things afterschool sites should know if you are applying there or in another state (or not at all).
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