HOST Healthy Eating And Physical Activity Roundup, July 5, 2019

kids running2The latest in our regular roundups of healthy eating and physical activity news from HOST members and others.

News and Policy

  • Afterschool Alliance reports on latest meeting of the Out-of-School Time (OST) Advisory Coalition, which provides guidance to states in implementing the National Afterschool Association’s Healthy Eating and Physical Activity (HEPA) standards, developed by HOST, and promotes Voices For Healthy Kids’ funding opportunities. Several HOST members serve on the Advisory Coalition, including the National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST). Meeting participants explored ways to strengthen the support we can provide to states seeking funding for implementing HEPA, and examined the current supports and threats to policy that would support training and technical assistance for HEPA. 
  • Colorado in May passed a $1.1M physical education (PE) grant program that prioritizes funding for schools and districts experiencing barriers to the implementation of comprehensive quality PE, such as lack of resources and equipment, difficulty retaining staff, a four-day school week (which exists disproportionately in underserved districts) and a lack of supplemental funding from cities and counties.
  • Vermont’s Maple Run Unified School District in June adopted new measures that bring the district’s wellness policy rating, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), from 33 percent to 82 percent. Improvements include: nutrition education at every grade level; and "Farm to School" programs; at least 30 minutes of varied physical activity for all students in addition to physical education classes; and limiting food and beverage marketing to the promotion only of products that meet USDA Smart Snacks standards.
  • Hawaii Gov. David Ige signed a bill that promotes healthy beverage options for children, reports Voices for Healthy Kids.

Tips and Tools

  • As part of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Together for Healthy and Successful Schools initiative, the Health Equity Works program at the Washington University in St. Louis has created the Healthy Schools Toolkit "to help school districts and school leaders strategize to build healthier school communities."
  • Alliance for a Healthier Generation has launched a #SummerSwap program to help families make healthier choices this summer. "By making simple swaps, you can eat healthy, stay active and recharge your mind," they say.
  • The American Heart Association offers "plant-forward recipes" for summer grills, "an easy way to incorporate color and optimize nutrition in summer dishes."
  • Build Our Kids' Success (BOKS) shares "Top Tips for Implementing Obstacle Courses."

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The HOST site is managed by the National Institute on Out-of-School Time, a program of the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College

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