HOST Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Roundup, June 2, 2017


kids on playscapeThe latest in our regular roundups of healthy eating and physical activity news from HOST members and others.


  • The Food Research and Action Center is hosting a "No Kid Hungry Webinar: Connecting Summer & Afterschool Meals," Tuesday, June 20, 2 p.m. ET. The webinar will explore streamlining options for summer and afterschool meals as well as best practices for providers transitioning between the two programs.


  • It's Time Texas has announced its 2017 School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Award Winners, including schools that are offering healthy concessions at all high school sporting events, a nutritional newsletter for elementary students, movement promotions like "Walking Wednesdays" and "Dance Fridays," and more.
  • Kids at day camps are getting more than the recommended amount of physical activity each day, according to a new study, "Children's Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity Attending Summer Day Camps," published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine. "This study provides the public with empirical evidence the camp community has known for years. The clear majority of day campers are experiencing vigorous amounts of physical activity each day," comments Tom Rosenberg, president and CEO of the American Camp Association.
  • The Kids' Safe and Healthful Foods Project tells us that "schools across the country are making their kitchen facilities available to the public for activities that promote health and community engagement," and that this benefits schools and communities in several ways.

Tips and Ideas

  • Salud Today gives us a bilingual video on the importance of drinking water instead of sugary beverages.
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