HOST Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Roundup: New Year's Edition

boy on ropes 500The latest in our regular roundups of healthy eating and physical activity news from HOST members and others. Start the year right with these news notes, resources, and tips!

Policy and Law

Tips and Ideas

  • Alliance for a Healthier Generation suggests some "bite-size goals" to help us create healthy habits for the new year.
  • At the National Recreation and Park Association site, Daniel Hatcher of fellow HOST member Alliance for a Healthier Generation shares three resources from Healthier Generation’s new Eating Healthy at Home campaign that can help in "cultivating supportive relationships through healthy eating."
  • In the Boys & Girls Clubs of America's Teen Voice blog, Raliyah D. offers tips for the "lifelong journey" of mental and physical health, including healthy eating habits and workout recommendations.
  • The National Council of Youth Sports shares ways that parents can help off the field to ready their student athletes for the big game.


  • Up2Us Sports is celebrating 10 years of nonprofit status, during which they grew to 1,700 member organizations across 48 states and 9 countries, expanded staff presence to 9 cities, placed 2,894 coaches in 471 host site organizations, and served 525,517 youth, among other accomplishments.
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The HOST site is managed by the National Institute on Out-of-School Time, a program of the Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College

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