HOST Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Roundup, September 11, 2017

preschoolers lunchThe latest in our regular roundups of healthy eating and physical activity news from HOST members and others.

  • It's Time Texas shares a guest post by Dr. Jeremy Lyon, president of Cooper Youth, The Cooper Institute, on how "Partnerships are the Solution for Improving Children’s Fitness and Health." He writes, "A healthy school culture recognizes that promoting fitness and health is, similarly, a school-wide responsibility and practice. This very idea, that we ALL have responsibility for our children’s fitness and health, is the catalyst for partnership efforts extending far beyond the walls of the school."
  • Alliance for a Healthier Generation offers "Back-to-School Inspiration: 4 Tips from Veteran Sites," with four strategies for creating and sustaining healthy afterschool efforts. Safe Routes to School National Partnership suggests ways schools and parents can increase the number of students who can safely walk or bike to school.
  • No Kid Hungry gives us "Five Things to Know About School Breakfast," noting that one in six kids in the U.S. struggles with hunger, and school breakfast is "a critical way to ensure kids get the consistent nutrition they need to feel better, learn more and grow up strong."
  • Updates to a federal nutrition program for children in early care and education settings will mean healthier meals and snacks for millions of kids across the country without substantial cost increases for providers, according to a new report from the Pew Charitable Trusts, says their Kids' Safe and Healthful Foods Project.The new standards may also improve the diets of children not served by the program, because many providers would provide more nutritious meals for all children under their care.


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