ASQ: A Guide to After-School Quality
Learn the ins and outs of improving OST program quality in 5 easy steps with our team-based approach.
Are you just beginning to think about improving the quality of your OST program? Our ASQ guide is an excellent place to start. This 48-page document will walk you through our unique quality improvement process and teach you how to implement the 5-step model at your OST program site. As you follow the steps, you will lead your team in developing a common vision for your program and creating a roadmap to achieve that vision together.
Download a free 8-page sample ASQ Guide
The ASQ guide was originally developed in the mid-1990s and has changed over time to meet the needs of today’s OST programs. The first iteration was used as the basis for the National Afterschool Association program improvement and accreditation system. Today, the guide has the flexibility to support anyone interested in improving the quality of their program -- for self-assessment purposes, state level quality rating system advancement, or to become accredited from the Council on Accreditation -- and works alongside any data collection tools, questionnaires, or surveys.
Cost: $75 per OST program site
When you purchase the ASQ guide, you gain access to our online portal for three years where you can download sample agendas, letters, and tips to help you on the path to program improvement. Online portal access is renewable after the initial three years.